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Hand typing on a computer with a note pad in front and coffee on the right


Blue Beam Marketing, A+ Rated on the Better Business Bureaus. 


Whether it's generating incoming leads, accomplishing your mission statement, or building online brand awareness, your online presence is vital for your long term success.


Allow Blue Beam Marketing to help your small business accomplish your online objectives with strategy and ease.


Our three-pronged system generates traffic, captures data, then retargets your most valuable target market segments. 

Our Staff & Partners

Tracy Cook at her computer doing digital marketing

Tracy Cook, MBA

CEO, Blue Beam Marketing 

Tracy Cook is an accomplished MBA graduate with years of digital marketing experience. She's worked with businesses from bakeries to law firms. Her digital strategy has a proven methodology that gives business owners and CEOs true peace of mind when it comes to their performance. 

Our Team

Deanna Johnson

Deanna Johnston is a trusted professional American English Voice Over Talent.


Marketing Assistant and Web Developer with years of experience in SEO-rich website design

Bikash Kumbhakar

SEO backlink specialist with years of experience getting regular links for our clients. 


Receptionist with years of customer service experience, taking calls and scheduling appointments.. 

Our Digital Marketing Strategy

Generate Traffic

Make people aware of who you are and what you do. Increase traffic to your website. 

Capture User Data

Once a user comes to your website, use tags, and pixels to capture user information.


Retarget these users with relevant information, building value and trust. 


Get the sales and leads you've been looking for.

Learn more about what our digital marketing strategy can do for you.
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